Neck Accident Injury Symptoms
Neck injury accident symptom information
Common Neck Problems After Accidents
- Get Your Neck Injury Score Today
- Whiplash Injury Car Accidents
- Cervical Facet Syndrome
- Neck Ligament Sprain
- Neck Muscle Spasms
- Occipital Headaches
- Pain Radiating to Arms
- Herniated Discs
- Bulging Discs
- “Pinched” Nerves
- Hard “Knots” on the Neck
- Painful, Tender Spots
- Swelling
- Tingling
- Numbness
- Weakness
Neck treatment
There are a wide range of treatments we offer for the symptoms and conditions you are experiencing following your automobile accident or other injury. Our Board-Certified Sub-Specialists provide the most advanced spine and joint care in our state-of-the-art facilities. Whether you need conservative treatments utilizing physical therapy, manipulative therapy, injection procedures, or regenerative treatments, we provide the widest range of surgery-free options available in the state of Oklahoma.